HUBEI AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES ›› 2023, Vol. 62 ›› Issue (1): 89-93.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2023.01.014

• Plant Protection • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Research on cross-linked chitosan as film-forming agent in seed coating agent

ZHANG Xian1a,1b, CHENG Zhuang1a, WEN Zi-hui1a, ZHU Cai1a, WU Ying1a, GUO Cheng1a, LI Wei1a,2, QIN Cai-qin1a,2, DING Yu1a,1b   

  1. 1a. School of Chemistry and Materials Science; 1b.Research Institute of New Energy Materials Industry Technology, Hubei Engineering University,Xiaogan 432000,Hubei,China;
    2. Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Biomass Conversion and Utilization, Xiaogan 432000,Hubei,China
  • Received:2021-12-27 Online:2023-01-25 Published:2023-03-07

Abstract: Different amounts of glutaraldehyde (0%, 1.5%, 3.0%, 6.0%, 9.0%) were used as crosslinking agents to cross-link chitosan solutions (1.0%, 1.5%, 2.0%, 2.5%) with different mass concentrations to explore the film forming and coating properties of cross-linked chitosan solutions and its effect on the germination rate of corn seeds. The results showed that the film forming and coating properties of crosslinked chitosan were greatly improved. The film formation time of 2.0wt.%-1.5% sample (i.e., 2.0% chitosan concentration, 1.5% glutaraldehyde crosslinking agent) was 9.6 min, the coating shedding rate was 8.4%, the coating uniformity was 91.8%, and the germination rate was 93%.

Key words: chitosan, crosslinking, seed coating agent, film-forming agent, germination rate

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