湖北农业科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 60 ›› Issue (1): 42-45.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.01.009

• 资源·环境 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 河北省黄骅市气象局,河北 黄骅 061100
  • 收稿日期:2020-05-20 出版日期:2021-01-10 发布日期:2021-02-02
  • 作者简介:孙爱良(1970-),男,河北泊头人,高级工程师,主要从事果树农业气象灾害监测、预警、防御措施的研究,(电话)13653272263(电子信箱)sal8@sina.com。
  • 基金资助:

Determination of freezing injury index in dormancy period of winter jujube trees cultivated by open-air

SUN Ai-liang   

  1. Huanghua Meteorologica Bureau,Huanghua 061100,Heibei,China
  • Received:2020-05-20 Online:2021-01-10 Published:2021-02-02

摘要: 通过调查河北省黄骅市1990—2019年露天栽培冬枣树冬季休眠期冻害发生情况,对比同时期极端最低气温(Tmin)≤-13.0 ℃的强降温天气过程发生情况,选择出过程极端最低气温、过程持续时间、Tmin≤-13.0 ℃持续日数、Tmin≤-15.0 ℃持续日数、Tmin≤-17.0 ℃持续日数共5个可能对冬枣树休眠期冻害产生较大影响的气象因子,采取逐步回归法挑选出影响较为显著的4个因子建立函数方程,并对每个因子结合历年冬枣树休眠期冻害发生情况进行分析,得出冬枣树休眠期冻害发生农业气象指标。结果表明,极端天气过程对冬枣树冻害的影响因素除了Tmin外,还分别与Tmin≤-13.0 ℃、Tmin≤-15.0 ℃、Tmin≤-17.0 ℃的持续日数显著相关;当过程极端最低气温Tmin≤-13.0 ℃且持续时间达2 d,其中Tmin≤-15.0 ℃的持续时间达1 d时就会发生轻度的冻害;当Tmin≤-13.0 ℃持续时间达3 d以上,其中Tmin≤-15.0 ℃的持续时间在1~2 d就会发生中度冻害;当过程Tmin≤-15.0 ℃持续2 d以上或Tmin≤-17.0 ℃持续1 d以上就会发生重度冻害。对建立的冻害指标进行回溯检验,并结合文献资料对天津市、山东省等冬枣产区的冻害情况进行检验,综合拟合率达78.5%,说明建立的指标具有实际的生产指导意义。

关键词: 冬枣树, 休眠期, 最低气温, 冻害指标

Abstract: By investigating the occurrence of freezing injury in winter dormancy period of winter jujube trees cultivated in the open air from 1990 to 2019 in Huanghua city,Hubei province,and comparing the occurrence of strong cooling weather process with extreme lowest air temperature Tmin≤-13.0 ℃ in the same period,five meteorological factors,which may have a great influence on the freeze injury of winter jujube trees during dormancy,were selected,including the extreme lowest temperature Tmin,the duration,the duration days of Tmin≤-13.0 ℃,the duration days of Tmin≤-15.0 ℃ and the duration days of Tmin≤-17.0 ℃.Four significant factors were selected by stepwise regression method to establish the function equation,and each factor was analyzed in combination with the occurrence of freeze injury in dormancy period of winter jujube trees over the years.The agrometeorological index of freeze injury in dormancy period of winter jujube trees was obtained.The results showed that the influence factors of extreme weather on the freeze injury of winter jujube were not only Tmin,but also the duration days of Tmin≤-13.0 ℃,Tmin≤-15.0℃ and Tmin≤-17.0℃,respectively.When the extreme lowest temperature Tmin≤-13.0 ℃ lasts for 2 days,and Tmin≤-15.0 ℃ lasts for 1 day,slight freezing injury will occur;When Tmin≤-13.0 ℃ lasts for more than 3 days,and Tmin≤-15.0 ℃ lasts for 1 to 2 days,moderate frost damage will occur;When the extreme temperature Tmin≤-15.0 ℃ lasts for more than 2 days or the extreme minimum temperature ≤-17.0 ℃ lasts for more than 1 day,severe frost damage will occur.The established indexes of frost damage were backtested.Combined with the literature,the frost damage of winter jujube trees producing areas such as Tianjin city and Shandong province was examined.The comprehensive fitting rate reached 78.5%,which indicated that the established indexes had practical production guidance significance.

Key words: winter jujube trees, dormancy period, minimum temperature, frost damage index
