湖北农业科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 60 ›› Issue (3): 18-21.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.03.003

• 育种·栽培 • 上一篇    下一篇


石伟1, 杨涓2a, 杨玲霞2b, 邱小琮2a   

  1. 1.银川市水产技术推广服务中心,银川 750001;
    2.宁夏大学,a.生命科学学院;b.农学院,银川 750021
  • 收稿日期:2020-05-06 发布日期:2021-02-25
  • 通讯作者: 邱小琮(1971-),男,浙江湖州人,教授,博士,主要从事水域生态学及水环境调控的教学与研究,(电子信箱)qxc7175@126.com。
  • 作者简介:石伟(1969-),男,宁夏银川人,高级工程师,主要从事水产养殖研究,(电话)13309577175(电子信箱)qyj200299@yeah.net
  • 基金资助:

Experimental study on rice-fish culture in low-lying saline-alkali land of Ningxia

SHI Wei1, YANG Juan2a, YANG Ling-xia2b, QIU Xiao-cong2a   

  1. 1. Yinchuan Aquaculture Technology Promotion Service Center,Yinchuan 750001, China;
    2a. School of Life Science;2b. College of Agronomy, Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750021, China
  • Received:2020-05-06 Published:2021-02-25

摘要: 为探明宁夏低洼盐碱地稻渔共作效应,探索低洼盐碱地稻渔共作模式,于2018年开展低洼盐碱地区的稻渔共作试验研究。试验设置3个处理,分别为稻-蟹(大眼幼体)、稻-鱼(鲤)2种不同稻渔共作种养模式,以单作水稻为对照,测定水稻农艺性状和土壤pH,从水稻生长发育、产量等方面来探讨盐碱地的稻渔共作效应。结果表明,稻-蟹、稻-鱼共作水稻比单作水稻产量分别增加3.9%和6.1%;稻渔共作可促进水稻的分蘖数增加,促进水稻顶三叶的叶面积增加,从而明显提高水稻的光合生产力;稻渔共作水稻的干物质量在拔节至齐穗期均比单作水稻高,可促进水稻各生育时期地上部干物质的积累,从而促进水稻产量的增加;稻渔共作相较单作水稻可以降低低洼盐碱地的pH,有利于水稻的生长发育。

关键词: 低洼盐碱地, 稻渔共作, 生长, 产量, 宁夏

Abstract: The experimental study on rice-fishing culture was carried out in 2018 to explore the effect and model of rice-fishing culture in low-lying saline-alkali land in Ningxia.Three treatments were set up in the experiments which named rice-crab (larva larva), rice-fish (carp) and ordinary rice fields(control group). The agronomic characters and soil pH were determined to discusse the effects of rice-fishing culture from the aspects of rice growth, development and yield in low-lying saline-alkali land.The results showed that the yield of rice with rice-crab and rice-fish culture increased by 3.9% and 6.1% respectively. The number of tillers in rice could be increased by rice-fishing culture.The leaf area of parietal trifoliate of rice was increased and the photosynthetic productivity of rice was improved obviously by rice-fishing culture. The dry matter quality of rice of rice-fishing culture was higher than that of conventional rice in jointing to panicle stage, which could promote the accumulation of dry matter in the overground of rice in each growing period, and thus promote the yield of rice. Compared with conventional rice cultivation, rice-fishing culture can reduce the pH of low-lying saline-alkaline land, which is beneficial to the growth and development of rice.

Key words: low-lying saline-alkaline land, rice-fishing culture, growth, yield, Ningxia
