HUBEI AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES ›› 2018, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (1): 24-26.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.01.006

• Breeding & Cultivation • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Green Production Technology for “Four Hydrophilies” Ecological Cultivation in Jiangsu Lixiahe Area

ZHANG Jia-hong1, ZHU Ling-yu1, WANG Shou-hong1, KOU Xiang-ming2, WANG Gui-liang2, XU Rong2, HAN Guang-ming2, BI Jian-hua2, YE Hao1   

  1. 1.Agricultural Science Institute of Lixiahe District in Jiangsu,Yangzhou 225007,Jiangsu,China;
    2.Research Center for Eco-agricultural Engineering and Technology of Jiangsu Province,Yangzhou 225009,Jiangsu,China
  • Received:2017-06-14 Online:2018-01-10 Published:2020-01-02

Abstract: :“Three Greens” technology was put forward,which was applied in ecological cultivation of “Four Hydrophilies” (rice,aquatic product,waterfowl and aquatic vegetables) in Lixiahe area,Jiangsu. The “Three Greens” technology means green cultivation,green fertilizer and green prevention and control. 6 types and 13 kinds of green cultivation pattern of this technology has created and completed,12 provincial standards has formulated,technology standard system of “Four Hydrophilies” green cultivation in Lixiahe area of Jiangsu province has formed, and “four-in-one” green fertilizer technology system as well as “six-in -one” prevention and control system has also formed.

Key words: “Four Hydrophilies”, green cultivation, green fertilizer, green prevention and control, demonstrating and leading

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