
Table of Content

    25 August 2022, Volume 61 Issue 16
    Breeding & Cultivation
    Response of seed germination and seedling development of different wheat varieties to the treatment of exogenous H2O2
    ZHOU Ya-jie, CHEN Peng, ZHOU Xin-hui, SHEN Hai-yan, HU Chun-hong
    2022, 61(16):  5-11.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.001
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    In the experiment, different varieties of wheat seeds and wheat seedlings were treated with different concentration gradients of hydrogen peroxide in self-made equipment, under modified hydroponic conditions. The paper observed the germination rate of wheat seeds and measured the morphological indexes (plant height, fresh weight) and physiological indexes (Proline, MDA, CAT) of seedlings under the treatment of exogenous hydrogen peroxide to research the response of different wheat varieties to exogenous hydrogen peroxide treatment and analyze the mechanism of regulating wheat seed germination and seedling development. The results showed that three wheat varieties of Chinese spring, Zhoumai 36 and Fielder, all had the highest germination rate under the treatment of 0.3 μmol/L hydrogen peroxide. While the plant height and fresh weight of Chinese spring seedlings were significantly promoted by hydrogen peroxide at 0.3 μmol/L, but inhibited at 1.2 μmol/L. Hydrogen peroxide at 0.1 μmol/L showed the best promotion effect on the seedling height and fresh weight of Fielder, while the concentration of 1.2 μmol/L showed an obvious inhibition effect. At the same time, the results of physiological indexes indicated that high concentration of hydrogen peroxide could cause oxidative damage to plasma membrane and inhibit seedling development. In conclusion, the experimental results showed that, hydrogen peroxide treatment promoted wheat seed germination and seedling development at low concentration but inhibited at high concentration, and different wheat varieties had different levels of sensitivity to exogenous hydrogen peroxide.
    Research on optimal irrigation of Hexi seed production maize based on entropy method, AHP and TOPSIS model
    MIAO Chun-qing, CAI Zi-wen, ZHENG Rong, BAI Jing, WANG Juan, WANG Tuo-he, WANG Xue-qiang
    2022, 61(16):  12-17.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.002
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    The paper comparatively studied the effects of different water treatments on production benefits of maize under ridge film furrow irrigation and mulch film flood irrigation to provide a basis for establishing high efficiency and water-saving cultivation mode for maize production in Hexi Corridor. In this field experiment, eight different water treatment levels were set under two cultivation modes. At the same time, TOPSIS model was constructed based on the AHP analytic hierarchy method and the entropy weight method, and the optimal cultivation mode plan was obtained by analyzing the agronomic characteristics and economic benefits of seed production maize with this model. The results showed that treatment F3 ranked first, followed by treatment F2, FC, F1, T2, T3, T1, and TC according to the relative proximity, suggesting that the best economic benefits were acquired in treatment F3 under different irrigation modes and water treatments. Under the maize production model of film mulching flood irrigation in Hexi Corridor, the maize was irrigated 7 times during the whole growth period, with the irrigation quota per time of 50 mm and the total irrigation quota of 350 mm, and the water control in the three growth periods was 80%, 60%, and 60%, so the economic benefit was maximized in all treatments in the experiment. In a conclusion, compared with ridge-film furrow irrigation, film-mulched flood irrigation was less in irrigation amount, higher in maize yield and better in benefits.
    Resource & Environment
    Analysis of dry matter and accumulation of N, P, and K of cigar during field growth period
    XU Xiang-yu, FAN Jun, WANG Rui, CHEN Hong-hua, BU Gui-jun
    2022, 61(16):  18-23.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.003
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    This study investigated the accumulation of dry matter, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in main cigar varieties of Laifeng County through the high-density sampling in the field to provide basic data for subsequent rational fertilization and production quality control. The results showed that the accumulation of dry matter and nutrients followed an “S” curve, and the absorption and accumulation rate of nutrients was slower than that of dry matter. Dry matter and nutrient accumulation were fastest in 30~60 days after transplanting, of which the total accumulation of dry matter, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in 50~60 days after transplanting was 40%, 33%, 32% and 37%, respectively. In terms of whole plants, the accumulation of dry matter, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the leaves was the highest, accounting for 50.7%, 70.2%, 58.3% and 57.0% of the whole plant, respectively, followed by the stems and accounting for 32.2%, 20.1%, 29.2% and 32.0%, and the roots were the lowest, which were 17.1%, 9.7%, 12.5% and 11.0% of the whole plant, respectively.
    Modeling of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium fertilizer applacation and effects of fertilization on chive
    SONG Huan-zhong, JIANG Wan, CHEN Qin, GUO Yuan-yuan, ZHANG Li, LI Yang, QIN Zhen-pu, WEI Dan, CHEN Zhen-dong
    2022, 61(16):  24-29.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.004
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    This paper aimed to explore the effect of N, P and K fertilization on chives, and establish a N, P and K fertilization model to provide a theoretical basis for the reduction of N, P and K fertilizers on chives. Based on the “3414” fertilizer model, the effects of different N, P and K application combinations on the growth, agronomic traits, yield, quality, fertilizer effect and utilization efficiency were studied through analyzing “Liujiang 3 chive”. The results showed that the contribution of N was greater than that of P and K. According to the yield, quality and fertilizer utilization rate, the best benefit of chive could be obtained when N, P and K were applied at N2P3K2 level (N 276 kg/hm2, P2O5 202.5 kg/hm2, K2O 270 kg/hm2). The application rates of N, P and K were corrected by fitting function model and frequency analysis. When N(N) 197.41~255.98 kg/hm2, P(P2O5) 202.50 kg/hm2, K(K2O) 193.12~250.42 kg/hm2 (N∶ P2O5∶ K2O = 0.97~1.26∶1.00∶0.95~1.24) were applied, the economic and ecological benefits of chive were the best.
    Study on the remediation effect of five passirator application levels on cadmium contaminated soil in paddy fields
    ZHANG Qing-ya, LU Qi, LI Fan, LEI Wen-jie, HONG Xin, LI Kang-jun
    2022, 61(16):  30-34.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.005
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    Screening of soil passivators with high efficiency and low cost is of great significance in remediation of heavy metal polluted farmland soils. The effects of five typical passivators, i.e., lime-zeolite mortars, palygorskite, passivator of silicon-calcium, passivator of silicon-calcium-aluminium and passivator of silicon-calcium-magnesium at difference additions, on cadmium content in paddy soil and rice grain were investigated in this field experiment. The results showed that soil pH was increased by several passivators, of which the lime-zeolite treatment had the greatest effect on soil pH. The paddy soil with passivator of silicon-calcium had the lowest available cadmium content, and the maximum reduction rate was 15.9%. The Cd content in brown rice was significantly reduced by passivator of silicon-calcium, attapulgite and lime-zeolite at the dosage of 4 500 kg/hm2, reaching the National Standard GB 2762—2017, and the rice was qualified for eating. Considering the beneficial effect of passivator of silicon-calcium on soil physical and chemical properties and crop growth, passivator of silicon-calcium could be used as an efficient precaution for safe utilization of cadmium contaminated paddy fields.
    Effects of coated urea and nitrogen fertilizer synergist on growth and yield of fresh maize
    XIE Yuan-yuan, XIONG You-sheng, SUN Chen, LI Jia-ying, ZHOU Jian-xiong, XU Fang-sen
    2022, 61(16):  35-39.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.006
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    In order to explore a new light reduction and high-efficiency fertilization technology for fresh maize, four treatments were set upconventional fertilization (treatment 1), 60-day coated urea (treatment 2), 90 day coated urea (treatment 3), 60 day coated urea reduction of 15% and nitrogen fertilizer synergist (treatment 4). The effects of different coated fertilizers and nitrogen reduction combined with nitrogen fertilizer synergist on the growth and yield of fresh maize were studied. The results showed that the plant height, leaf age, ear height, grain number per ear and yield of fresh corn in treatment 2 were higher than those in treatment 3;there was no significant difference in fresh corn yield among treatments 1, 2 and 4, but the effective ear number of fresh corn in treatment 4 was higher than that in other treatments and the difference was significant. Compared with treatment 2, treatment 4 reduced nitrogen application rate by 15%, but increased yield by 4.05%. Compared with treatment 1, treatment 4 was one-time fertilization, which was simple to operate and saved labor input. At the same time, the yield to input ratio of fresh corn planted in treatment 4 was the highest, which was 15.67. Therefore, the fertilization technique of nitrogen fertilizer combined with nitrogenous fertilizer synergist is more suitable for fresh corn planting.
    Effects of daily necessary detergents on concentration of soil cultivated microorganisms
    LIU Bao-ping
    2022, 61(16):  40-46.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.007
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    In order to study the effects of daily necessary detergents on the concentration of crop cultivated soil microorganisms,six daily necessary detergents of dilutions such as perfumed soap, washing powder, shampoo, dish washing liquid, bath lotion, and lavatory cleanser were prepared to immerse yellow brown soil sample from the peanut cultivation field or muddy soil from the paddy field at room temperature or 28 ℃ for 14 days or 36 days, with deionized water serve as a control, in which the concentration of alive cultivated microorganisms was evaluated by plate count method using 5 culture media such as YMA,YPD,LB,GAU, and PDA. The results showed that compared to the control, the lavatory cleaner dilution had little effect on the concentration of the microorganisms, however, the other five dilutions had markedly improved to about 0~3 order of magnitudes. Perfumed soap, washing powder, shampoo, dish washing liquid, and bath lotion increased the concentration of crop cultivated soil microorganisms.
    Analysis on the high yield and stable yield of soybean varieties under the condition of maize interplanting in Qinba mountain area
    HE Zhong-jun, ZHANG Xiu-ying, LONG De-xiang, YAO Ping-bo, LI Qin, ZHANG Zeng-chuan, WEN You-bin, CHEN Hao, LI Yun, WANG Yi-pu, LI Ge-lian, REN Xiao-ju, ZHAO Jian-xin
    2022, 61(16):  47-51.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.008
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    To select high and stable yield soybean varieties suitable for corn-soybean interplanting in Qinba mountainous area to improve the yield and benefit of grain and oil crops, the stability and adaptability analysis of high-yield soybean varieties under the corn intercropping soybean model was carried out. Using coefficient of variation (CV), significant differences, regression coefficients, high stability coefficient (HSCi), a comprehensive analysis of the adaptability of 9 varieties with a large increase in yield was carried out. The results showed that Heidadou and Gongqiudou No. 5 are soybean varieties with good yield and stability. Heidadou and Gongqiudou No. 5 can be used as high-yield and stable-yield varieties under the conditions of corn interplanting soybeans in the same ecological environment in the Qinba mountains.
    Water cycle optimization of green space ecosystem in the process of urbanization in Beijing
    WANG Jun
    2022, 61(16):  52-57.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.009
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    Water resource shortage has become one of the important factors restricting the economic development and social stability of Beijing City, and the coordinated development of urbanization and the utilization of water resources has attracted much attention. Reasonable ecological water use can keep plants growing well and be beneficial to the rational allocation of water resources. A study on realizing the rational use of water resources in the green space ecosystem was conduced. Based on the quantitative analysis of the relationship between Beijing’s urbanization and ecological water use and the water resource utilization of green space ecosystem from 2001 to 2015, optimization measures for the water cycle of the green space ecosystem were proposed. The results show that ecological water use in Beijing has shown a significant upward trend with the development of urbanization. Green space ecosystem is the main consumer of urban ecological water, and insufficient utilization of rainwater resources is an important reason for the expansion of ecological water use. The study results provide several lessons for policy,practice and research in order to ensure Beijing’s urbanization and sustainable utilization of water resources.
    Land use/land cover change and its driving factors in Xinjiang based on MODIS data
    Mierzhatijiang Muaitaerjiang, Gulimire Aierken, Ayituerxun Shamuxi
    2022, 61(16):  58-63.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.010
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    Using the MODIS remote sensing image data in Xinjiang in 2001, 2010 and 2018, the land use types such as arable land, forest land, grassland, construction land, water area and unused land in the study area were studied via the models of land use/cover range change and transformation matrix to analyze the land use/cover changes and driving factors in the study area in the past 18 years. The results showed that, in 2018, the land use/cover types in Xinjiang were dominated by unused land, accounting for 70.24% of the total land area during the study period. The areas of arable land, grassland, water areas and construction land increased by 25 149.68, 11 280.98, 8 508.37, and 45.73 km2 respectively, which were mainly transferred from unused land; the areas of forest land and unused land decreased by 1.97, and 44 838.02 km2 respectively. There are varying degrees of conversion between land use/cover types. The land use/cover change in the study area is affected by natural, social and economic factors.
    Land use simulation and prediction in Loess Plateau based on CA-Markov model
    LI Kai, ZHANG Bei-ying
    2022, 61(16):  64-69.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.011
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    Based on the land use data of the Loess Plateau in 2005, 2010 and 2015, this paper uses GIS and CA-Markov model to analyze the dynamic change characteristics of land use, and at the same time simulates and predicts the land use pattern in 2025 based on the CA-Markov model. The results show that from 2005 to 2015, cultivated land, grassland, and unused land in the Loess Plateau have decreased, and woodland, water area, and construction land have increased; the area of cultivated land transferred to other types of land is the largest, and the area of other types of land transferred to construction land is the largest. CA-Markov model prediction results show that the land-use change trend of the Loess Plateau from 2015 to 2025 is roughly the same as that of 2005 to 2015. The construction land and water area show an expansion trend, and the unused land, arable land, and grassland show a decreasing trend. The Loess Plateau is in an ecologically fragile area. Expansion of construction land and unreasonable land development and utilization will further reduce the quality of the ecological environment of the Loess Plateau. Therefore, construction land development boundaries should be set in future land development and utilization to improve the rationality of land use.
    Research on the temporal and spatial changes of vegetation coverage in Yulin based on GEE cloud platform
    BAI Xin, HE Bing-yan, GAO Ting, LI Xue, SUN Qiao
    2022, 61(16):  70-75.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.012
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    Based on the Google earth engine (GEE) platform, the Landsat 5/7/8 image and pixel binary model are used to analyze the spatiotemporal changes of vegetation coverage in Yulin from 2000 to 2019 and its relationship with topographical factors and climate factors. Finally, the Hurst index is used to forecast the vegetation change trend of Yulin in the future. The results showed that the vegetation coverage of Yulin increased from northwest to southeast from 2000 to 2019, with the middle vegetation coverage area accounting for the largest proportion; during the study period, the vegetation coverage increased by 11.2%, and the growth rate was 1.37%; the area with improved vegetation coverage accounted for 63.0%, and the degraded area accounted for 27.9%. The influence of topography and climate change on vegetation is as followsvegetation coverage first rises and then declines with the increase in elevation, and rises with the increase in slope. Precipitation has a greater impact on vegetation coverage, followed by temperature; the average Hurst index is 0.58. In the future, the vegetation coverage of Yulin will be improved continuously. Research shows that since the implementation of the project of returning forests and grasses in Yulin, the overall vegetation coverage has been improved. The control effect of the hilly and gully areas in the south is better than that of the sandy areas in the north. In the post-reforesting cultivated land era, researchers should focus on ecological construction projects such as sand prevention and control as well as water and soil conservation in sandstorm areas.
    The spatio-temporal evolution of rural settlements in Jiutai district under the strategy of rural revitalization
    LI Bing-jie, YU Meng-chen, WEI Yu-yu, QIN Shi-long, LI Guang-hui
    2022, 61(16):  76-82.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.013
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    The “hollowing” of rural settlements leads to changes in the structure and layout of rural land use. To study the spatial-temporal evolution of rural settlements from the perspective of rural revitalization, Jiutai district in Changchun was chosen as the research area, the land use data based on ArcGIS 10.6 and Fragstats 4.2 from 1990 to 2018 was adopted, and the methods including landscape pattern index, ANN index, and Voronoi diagram variation coefficient were used to analyze the characteristics of the spatial-temporal evolution of rural settlements in Jiutai district in the past 30 years. The results show thatOn the whole, the area of rural settlements has shrunk, and the average patch area has increased from 1990 to 218. On the patch scale, rural settlements are mainly distributed in a relatively regular manner, with low tortuous boundaries. The distribution of rural settlements generally shows agglomeration. The distribution of rural settlements in the towns and sub-districts is mostly random, and a few rural settlements are clustered. The distribution of rural settlements roughly shows the spatial distribution characteristics of “clustered in the middle and sparse around”. From 2000 to 2010, areas with high-density values shrank significantly. The center of gravity of rural settlements shifted to the center of Changchun. The research can provide a reference for the improvement and layout optimization of rural settlements, the promotion of the rational allocation of land resources, and the improvement of rural production and living spaces, to further realize rural revitalization and the development of urban-rural integration.
    Plant Protection
    Control effects of varieties and fungicides on cabbage and Chinese cabbage clubroot disease in alpine
    LI Lin, YIN Hong-qing, YANG Yong-kang, WAN Hai-ying, WEN Dan
    2022, 61(16):  83-87.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.014
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    In order to select the vegetable varieties with resistance to clubroot, which are suitable for planting in Enshi Prefecture alpine region of Hubei Province, 22 Chinese cabbage varieties, 22 cabbage varieties and 3 fungicides were tested to control clubroot. The results showed that cabbage cultivars Qiugan 14 and Chinese cabbage cultivars Tianbai 75 had a low incidence rate, and showed resistance to clubroot disease. The control effects of fenoxazole and haloperidol on clubroot were both high-level, reaching 87.96% and 94.89% on clubroot of cabbage and Chinese cabbage, respectively. The combination of fungicides fenoxazole or haloperidol, cabbage cultivars Qiugan 14, Chungan 6 and Japanese Tietou 60, and Chinese cabbage cultivars Tianbai 75 and CR Tianbai 15 could effectively control clubroot in Enshi Prefecture alpine region.
    Optimization and screening of artificial diet for Spodoptera litura with “leaf powder factor”
    DU Juan, YU Hong-chun
    2022, 61(16):  88-91.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.015
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    The artificial feed with different leaf powder ingredients was used to feed 5 generations of Spodoptera litura continuously. The “leaf powder factor” ingredient feed which was beneficial to the growth and development of Spodoptera litura was screened. The results showed that the survival rate, pupation rate and emergence rate of 2~5 generations of Spodoptera litura larvae fed the artificial diet supplemented with cabbage (Brassica pekinensis) leaf powder were the highest; the survival rate, pupation rate, pupal weight and eclosion rate of the five generations were significantly higher than those of larvae fed the artificial diet without leaf powder and the natural diet. With the increase of rearing generations, the survival rate and pupation rate of larvae decreased the least, and there was no significant difference in emergence rate among generations, which was suitable for continuous feeding in the laboratory. The survival rate, pupal weight and eclosion rate of larvae fed the artificial diet supplemented with Chenopodium album leaf powder were significantly higher than those of larvae fed the artificial diet without leaf powder and the natural diet. However, the average pupation rate and pupal weight of larvae fed the artificial diet supplemented with Chenopodium album leaf powder were significantly different from those of larvae fed the artificial diet supplemented with cabbage leaf powder.
    Study on rapid insecticidal technology of tobacco
    LI Qiang, MA Sheng-li, XU Jun, WU Min-xian, HUANG Hui, ZHANG Yan, LAI Zhen-li, LIU Yong
    2022, 61(16):  92-97.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.016
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    The insecticidal effect of single vacuum, vacuum + nitrogen filling, vacuum + high temperature and low temperature rapid insecticidal methods of tobacco was studied. The technical measures of rapid insecticidal technology of tobacco were determined by comparing the changes of tobacco quality. The results showed that single vacuum insecticidal and vacuum + nitrogen filled insecticidal could not achieve the purpose of rapid insecticidal. Using vacuum degree ≤ 500 Pa, temperature 70 ℃, treatment duration 15 min or temperature -20 ℃ and treatment duration 2 h could achieve 100% killing effect on tobacco insects. Using vacuum moisture regain insecticidal technology, the insecticidal effect could be achieved when the main technical parameters were controlled at the vacuum degree ≤500 Pa, the temperature was 70 ℃ and the treatment time of tobacco leaf temperature was maintained at 15 min. After vacuum moisture regain insecticidal, vacuum cooling and dehumidification were used immediately for 30~60 min to quickly restore the water content and temperature of tobacco leaves, so as to avoid the adverse impact of high temperature and humidity on tobacco leaves; the insecticidal effect could be achieved by using low temperature and rapid insecticidal treatment. The temperature was -20 ℃, and the treatment time was 2 h. At the same time, in the process of cooling treatment, the intermittent negative pressure pumping method could quickly reduce the temperature of tobacco.
    Horticulture & Local Products
    Effects of meteorological conditions on yield and quality of facility Hami melon
    LYU Xue-mei, ZHANG Lei, LENG Peng
    2022, 61(16):  98-100.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.017
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    Using different varieties of facility Hami melon(Cucumis melo var. sacchairinus) as test materials, the effects of meteorological conditions on the yield and quality of different varieties of facility Hami melon were analyzed. The results showed that among the yield and quality traits of melon, the variation degree of average single melon weight was the highest, and the coefficient of variation was 33.05%, and the variation degree of leaf area index was the lowest, and the coefficient of variation was 11.00%. Through the correlation analysis of meteorological factors with the yield and quality of facility Hami melon, it was found that the quality traits of facility Hami melon were significantly positively correlated with the maximum temperature and sunshine duration, and significantly negatively correlated with precipitation. Yield traits were positively correlated with maximum temperature, sunshine duration and precipitation.
    Response of Hydrangea ex situ conservation to environment
    ZHANG Xiao-hui, HUANG Pu
    2022, 61(16):  101-103.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.018
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    In order to explore the effects of Hydrangea on ex situ conservation environment, the effects of temperature and light on physiology and morphology of two Hydrangea species, Stratford and Todi, were studied. The results showed that the photosynthesis of Stratford was stronger than that of Todi under four temperature and light conditions. The stomatal conductance of Stratford was higher than that of Todi under high temperature and high light, high temperature and low light and low temperature and high light. The transpiration rate of Todi was higher than that of Stratford under high temperature and high light, high temperature and low light and low temperature and low light; the specific leaf weight of Stratford was more sensitive to high light, while the root top ratio of Stratford was lower than that of Todi under different temperature and light. The stomatal area of Stratford was lower than that of Todi, but the stomatal density of Stratford was higher than that of Todi. The plasticity indexes photosynthesis, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate of Stratford were relatively small, and its self-regulation ability was stronger. It was more receptive to the changes of the external environment. When encountering environmental changes, its physiological characteristics would be more stable, and its survival ability and environmental adaptability were stronger than Todi.
    Characteristics and facility high-efficiency cultivation techniques for a new variety of balsam pear Zao-xiu F1
    LI Qi, SUN Xin-cheng, XUE Xin, ZHANG Zhong-wu, HUANG Lin, JIANG Wan, KANG Jie, WANG Zhen
    2022, 61(16):  104-107.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.019
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    To select suitable new varieties of balsam pear(Momordica charantia L.) for facility high-efficiency cultivation in greenhouses, the characteristics and the facility cultivation techniques of the new balsam pear variety Zao-xiu F1 were introduced. The characteristics of balsam pear from three aspects of botany, growth and development, and living conditions were introduced, and the facility cultivation techniques of balsam pear from seven aspects, such as base selection, cultivation of strong seedlings, field fertilization, timely transplanting, field management, pest control and suitable harvesting were summarized.
    Introduction and evaluation of main cauliflower varieties in Tianmen City
    YIN Yan-xu, LI Xin-yan, CHEN Cai, CHEN Lin, LI Ning, GAO Sheng-hua, XU Kai, WANG Fei, YAO Ming-hua, JIAO Chun-hai
    2022, 61(16):  108-111.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.020
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    In order to select widely planted varieties of cauliflower in Tianmen City, 15 cauliflower varieties with different maturity were introduced and their agronomic traits. Yield and disease resistance were investigated in Zhanggang Town. The field comprehensive evaluation results showed that early-maturing varieties loose-curd cauliflower of Mingxing 65-day and Gaoyuansong 65-day cauliflower, middle-maturing variety loose-curd cauliflower of Gaoyuansong 90-day and late-maturing variety loose-curd cauliflower Fumeisong 100-day had better comprehensive character performance. These varieties were suitable for cultivation and popularization in Tianmen City due to their high quality, multi-resistance and strong adaptability.
    Comparison of photosynthetic characteristics and fluorescence parameters of one-year-old and four-year-old native cultivation cuttage seedling of Tetrastigma hemsleyanum in Huaiyu Mountains
    CHENG Hui-ying, CAI Hong, CHEN Rong-hua, YIN Ming-hua
    2022, 61(16):  112-115.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.021
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    The photosynthetic characteristics, chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, chlorophyll content and leaf shape index of one-year-old and four-year-old native cultivation cuttings of Huaiyu No.2 of Tetrastigma hemsleyanum Diels et Gilg in Huaiyu Mountains were compared. The results showed that the stomatal conductance and intercellular carbon dioxide concentration of one-year-old native cultivation cuttings were significantly lower than those of four-year-old native cultivation cuttings, while the stomatal limit, photosynthetic rate and water use efficiency of one-year-old native cultivation cuttings were significantly higher than those of four-year-old native cultivation cuttings, but there was no significant difference in transpiration rate and instantaneous carboxylation rate between the two. There was no significant difference in chlorophyll fluorescence parameters between one-year-old and four-year-old native cultivation cuttings. The chlorophyll content of one-year-old native cultivation cuttings was significantly higher than that of four-year-old native cultivation cuttings, but there was no significant difference in leaf length, leaf width and leaf shape index between the two.
    Study on technology of one-time flower formation from softwood cuttage of Lagerstroemia indica
    LIU Xiao-jie, LIU Mei, DUAN Li-jun, JIA Xiao-qian, HE Jia-wei, HUANG Jing-yi, YE Yao-mei
    2022, 61(16):  116-120.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.022
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    In order to improve the rooting rate of crape myrtle(Lagerstroemia indica L.) cuttings, and regulate the flowering time of cuttage seedlings in the same year, L8(4×24) was designed by four-factor mixed orthogonal experiment to study the effects of cutting matrix, spike length and leaf retention methods on cuttings rooting of two kinds crape myrtle of Red Wei and Er Hong. And fertilization was controlled to make cuttage seedlings bloom in that year. The results showed that planting species and substrate ratio were the most important factor affecting cutting rooting, followed by the length of spike and leaf retention methods, and application of high P and K fertilizer after transplanting helped crape myrtle blossom in the same year. Integration of flower formation technology for cutting 1 time of Red WeiThe rooting rate of the combination of 13~15 cm cutting length of Red Wei + retaining 2 leaves + peat soil∶vermiculite=1∶1 reached 100%. The cuttings were transplanted together with the non-woven bag 17 d after being cut, and 0.1% concentration of Huaduoduo No. 2 fertilizer was applied once every 7 d 10 days after being transplanted. After being transplanted for 22 days, the cuttings began to flower, and the full flowering period lasted from September 25th to October 17th, with a flowering rate of 72.5%. The rooting rate of the combination of 13~15 cm cutting length of Er Hong + leaf shearing 1/2 + peat soil∶vermiculite=1∶1 was 52.4%, the average number of roots was 4.5, and the plant did not flower that year after being transplanted.
    Potential geographic distribution and prediction of future habitat of Amygdalus mongolica in Inner Mongolia
    HAO Rui-min, HE Xiao-hui, ZHU Li, XIE Jing-yan, ZHANG Xiu-feng
    2022, 61(16):  121-126.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.023
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    Taking Inner Mongolia as the research area, based on 61 distribution sites of Amygdalus mongolica population and 39 environmental variables, MaxEnt model and ArcGIS technology were used to explore the environmental variables affecting the growth of Amygdalus mongolica. The suitable areas of Amygdalus mongolica in Inner Mongolia under different climate scenarios in the middle of 21 century(the 2050s) were predicted. The results showed that the main factors determining the growth of Amygdalus mongolica were the seasonal variation coefficient of temperature, altitude, average precipitation in the hottest season, slope, aspect, annual average temperature, isotherm and precipitation in the wettest month, and the cumulative contribution rate was 92.0%. Temperature, topography and precipitation had a greater effect on the growth of Amygdalus mongolica, while soil factors had a smaller effect; under the current climate, the Amygdalus mongolica would be mainly distributed in the desert areas of Alxa Left Banner, Alxa Right Banner, Wulat Back Banner, Wulat Middle Banner, Dengkou County and Wuhai City; Under different climate scenarios in the future of the 2050s, the area of suitable habitat for Amygdalus mongolica would increase, and the suitable habitat would tend to migrate to the north and east of Inner Mongolia.
    Research status of insects resistance to heavy metal stress: A bibliometrical analysis based on Web of Science Database
    WEN Rui-hao, ZHANG Shuai, ZHU Fen
    2022, 61(16):  127-130.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.024
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    Based on the Web of Science Database, research progress of insect resistance to heavy metal stress from 1900 to 2020 was analyzed by bibliometrics methods. Through the software SATI, UCINET, NetDraw and Excel, keyword’s co-occurrence network and author’s co-occurrence network were constructed. Hot research areas, high yield units and funds were studied. The results showed that diptera, hymenoptera, lepidoptera, orthoptera and collembola were involved in many studies, and there was much literature concerning heavy metals such as cadmium, zinc, copper and lead. Many scholars focused on metallothionein, heat shock protein, glutathione, antioxidant enzyme to show insects resistance; however, the response model and repair strategies of insects against stress caused by heavy metal were less reported. In addition to the concentration of heavy metal, whether the degree of stress injury changed with the charge amount of heavy metals and the physiological state of the treated insects was unknown. Although projects funded and articles published by China were the largest, the total number of articles published by a single author was not the top one. Numerous scholars carried out their researches independently rather than in cooperation with other institutions. In the high introduction of statistics, the articles of chinese scholars were also rare.
    Effects of different quantity mineral fertilizers on Qiubei pepper rhizosphere bacterial community structure
    WANG Can, YUAN En-ping, ZHANG Xue-ting, WANG Shao-xiang, ZHAO Shui-ling, LI Yun, LI Gang
    2022, 61(16):  131-136.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.025
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    The effect of different dosage of mineral fertilizer on rhizosphere bacterial community of Qiubei pepper at seedling stage was compared to explore its effect on rhizosphere environment of Qiubei pepper and its application rule. 16S rDNA high-throughput sequencing was used to determine the rhizosphere soil bacterial community structure and analyze the diversity. The results showed that in the 5 treatments, the proportion of Proteobacteria decreased with the increase of the dosage of mineral fertilizer, the highest was CK (0 g/L), which was 65.70%, and the lowest was treatment D(60 g/L), which was 54.04%; and the Firmicutes showed an upward trend, the highest was treatment D (60 g/L), which was 7.90%, and the lowest was treatment A (15 g/L),which was 1.38%. In the correlation analysis with environmental factors, at the phylum level, Proteobacteria was significantly negatively correlated with N and Mg; it showed an extremely significantly negative correlation with P, Na, B, Mn and EC; Firmicutes was significantly positively correlated with Mn and EC, and had an extremely significantly positive correlation with P and B. It showed that with the increase of application, high-concentration treatment decreased the relative abundance of Proteobacteria and increased the relative abundance of Firmicutes. In addition to N and P in soil nutrients, trace elements such as Na, B and Mn also had a significant impact on the composition of pepper rhizosphere microorganisms.
    Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine
    Effects of microecological preparation of fermented Chinese medicine on the intestinal morphology, gene expression and flora of weaned piglets
    HE Wei-min, KUANG Shi-chang, LI Xiao-wen, WANG Chun, CUI Wei-tao, WANG Xi-liang, XIAO Yun-cai, LI Zi-li, ZHOU Zu-tao
    2022, 61(16):  137-141.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.026
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    A total of 120 piglets (Duroc×Landrace×Yorkshire) weaned at 23 days of age were randomly divided into four groups of control group (basal diet), antibiotic group (basal diet + 0.075 g/kg chlortetracycline + 0.015 g/kg enramycin + 0.1 g/kg olaquindox), test group Ⅰ (basal diet + 0.3% fermented Chinese medicine preparation + 0.15 g/kg Bacillus subtilis TL), and test group Ⅱ (basal diet + 0.3% fermented Chinese medicine preparation + 0.3 g/kg Bacillus subtilis TL). There were 30 piglets in each group, the experimental period was 30 days. The effects of fermented Chinese medicine microecological preparation on intestinal structure, intestinal tissue gene expression and intestinal flora under weaning stress were evaluated. The results showed that the villus length/crypt depth (VH/CD) of duodenum, jejunum and ileum in group Ⅰ was the highest, which was 32.27% (P<0.01), 37.23% (P<0.01) and 56.23% (P<0.01) higher than that in control group, respectively. Compared with the control group, MUC2 gene expression was up-regulated in antibiotic group and test group Ⅰ, but the difference was not significant (P>0.05). The number of E. coli in group Ⅰ was lower than that in the control group (P>0.05). Compared with the control group, the number of Lactobacillus in group Ⅰ and group Ⅱ increased by 21.22% and 14.32%(P<0.05), 33.70%(P<0.01) and 26.09%(P<0.05) respectively. Fermented Chinese herbal microecological preparation could increase the VH/CD value of duodenum, jejunum and ileum, promote the reproduction of Lactobacillus in cecum contents, and reduce the number of E.coli in cecum contents.
    Antioxidant effect research on compound natural antioxidant in Tribute Sugar
    ZHENG Jia-li, WANG Wen-cheng, GUO Xin, GUO Meng
    2022, 61(16):  142-146.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.027
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    Fat oxidation and rancidity is easily occurred in the process of Tribute Sugar processing and storage. By adding three kinds of natural antioxidants tea polyphenols, Vitamin E and rosemary extract to improve the antioxidation effect of Tribute Sugar, based on single factor experiment, POV value was used as an index and Box-Benhnken response surface methodology was adopted to carry on a research on optimization of natural antioxidant formula. The results show that the best formula is tea polyphenols 0.16 g/kg, Vitamin E 0.10 g/kg, rosemary extract 0.20 g/kg. On this condition, the POV value of tribute sugar is 3.91 meq/kg, with a relative error of 0.46% to predicted value. It proves the effectiveness and reliability of the response surface model.
    Research on extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli
    WU Tong-zhong, ZHANG Qian, ZHANG Xing-xing, ZHONG Fa-gang, HE Yan-hua, HAN Meng-li, HUANG Xin
    2022, 61(16):  147-150.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.028
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    Extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC) was the main clinical pathogen that had appeared in recent years to cause damage to the immune system of humans and animals. It consisted of a large number of different serotypes that did not cross-react. The seriousness of the infection was due to the fact that most of the infecting bacteria were highly antibiotic resistant. The main types of infection involved in ExPEC, virulence factors, and potential means to combat the infections were discussed.
    Present situation and protection of animal diversity on the north slope of Qinling Mountains (Weinan section)
    REN Jin-li, YANG Ge, LIU Lu, YANG Hao, WU Yi-qun, YUAN Ya-ping
    2022, 61(16):  151-154.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.029
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    In August 2019, the animal diversity in Tongguan County, Huazhou District and Huayin City on the northern slope of Qinling Mountains (Weinan section) was investigated. A total of 63 species of birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles were recorded during the expedition. Among them, there were 1 national class Ⅰ protected animals and 7 national class Ⅱ protected animals. Through the investigation of animal diversity on the Northern Slope of the Qinling Mountains (Weinan section), the importance of ecological protection to animal diversity was analyzed, and feasible suggestions for animal diversity protection were put forward.
    Storage & Processing
    Research on extraction of polysaccharides from Macrocarpium offcinalis by multi-frequency ultrasonic
    YAO Rui-qi, HU Jia-dong, WANG Feng, ZHOU Bo
    2022, 61(16):  155-158.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.030
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    The extraction technology of polysaccharides from Macrocarpium officinalis was studied by multi-frequency ultrasonic. The results showed that ultrasonic-assisted extraction could effectively improve the extraction rate of Macrocarpium offcinalis polysaccharides, and the order of influencing factors was ultrasonic frequency > extraction temperature > extraction time > solid-liquid ratio. Dual-frequency combined ultrasound was superior to single-frequency ultrasound. The optimum extraction condition was ultrasonic frequency of 28/45 kHz, extraction temperature of 52 ℃, extraction time of 80 min, and solid-liquid ratio of 1∶6. The extraction rate of Macrocarpium offcinalis polysaccharide was 18.92%.
    Comparison and evaluation of the teas and tea beverages with different degrees of fermentation based on the “component-antioxidant” correlations
    WANG Yue, ZHAI Pei-pei, BAO Feng, ZHANG Fu-kun, ZHAO Pan, LI Jia, ZHAO Dong-sheng
    2022, 61(16):  159-163.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.031
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    Based on the pattern of the “component-antioxidant” correlation, the ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry was used to determine the contents of flavonoids, polyphenols, free amino acids and polysaccharides in unfermented, semi-fermented and fully fermented teas and tea beverages. And the correlations between components and antioxidant function were comprehensively analyzed by taking the DPPH free radical clearance rate as an evaluation index of antioxidant function, to compare and evaluate the teas and tea beverages with different degrees of fermentation. The results showed that the flavonoids content of teas and tea beverages with different fermented degrees was unfermented tea> fully fermented tea≥ semi-fermented tea, polyphenols, free amino acid content and antioxidant capacity were unfermented tea> semi-fermented tea≥fully fermented tea, and polysaccharide content was semi-fermented tea> full-fermented tea> unfermented tea. Flavonoids, polyphenols, and free amino acids in teas and tea beverages with different degrees of fermentation were positively correlated with antioxidant function, and the content of polyphenols showed a significant positive correlation with antioxidant function (P<0.05).
    Optimization of enzyme-assisted aqueous extraction technology of sapindus saponins
    PENG Yi-xin, FU Chun-hua, WANG Ya, WU Ze-jun
    2022, 61(16):  164-168.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.032
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    The sapindus saponins was extracted by enzyme extraction, the effects of different cellulase on the extraction rate of saponins from sapindus with different particle size were investigated,and the extraction conditions of sapindus with large particle size including the dose of cellulase,extraction time,extraction temperature were optimized. The results showed that cellulase had a little or no effect on the saponins extraction rate of sapindus powder greater than sieve 5, and those larger than sieve 5 were not extracted with cellulose. The best process condition for sieve 1-2 particle powder was enzyme addition of 18 U/mL, extraction time of 2.5 h, and extraction temperature of 50 ℃. The best process condition for sieve 2-3 particle powder was enzyme addition of 12 U/mL, extraction time of 1.5 h, and extraction temperature of 50 ℃. This method was environment-friendly and profitable,which could provide reference for industrial extraction of sapindus saponins and the classification of raw material granularity.
    Information Engineering
    Analysis on the characteristics of land use transition atlas in the lower reaches of Tarim River
    TANG Fang, PU Zhi, LI Xiao-yu
    2022, 61(16):  169-174.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.033
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    Based on the spatial data of land use in the lower reaches of the Tarim River from 2000 to 2020, land use transition maps, fluctuation maps and transition model maps in two time series were constructed by using the geological information map method to analyze the temporal and spatial characteristics of land use transformation after ecological water transportation in the lower reaches of the Tarim River. Results showed that ① From 2000 to 2020, the land use structure of the lower reaches of the Tarim River was dominated by woodland, grassland and unused land. Among them, the cultivated land and water area had increased significantly, and the grassland and unused land have decreased. ② The land use transformation map was mainly based on the mutual transformation of forest land, grassland and unused land and the increase of water area. In the two sequential units, there was no obvious difference in the types of the main graph units that had changed. ③ The area of ​​newly added grassland in the map of land use upswing was the largest; the area of ​​shrinking grassland in the map of land use decline was the largest. ④ In addition to the full-period stable type, the land-use transition model map was dominated by the previous and late-stage changes, while the repeated and full-period changes accounted for a relatively small proportion.
    Extracting rice planting information based on Sentinel-2 time series images
    WANG Quan, CHEN Jun-jun
    2022, 61(16):  175-181.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.034
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    Sentinel-2 time series remote sensing images from March to October 2019 in the southern rice planting area of Wuhu County, Wuhu City, Anhui Province were used, and the rice planting information was extracted by using the support vector machine method, the maximum likelihood method based on pixel classification and the classification method based on the combination of 3 Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Ratio Vegetation Index (RVI) and Normalized Difference Greenness Index (NDGI). The results showed that sentinel-2 remote sensing image could quickly and effectively extract the rice planting information in the study area, and the maximum likelihood method was more suitable for extracting rice information than the support vector machine method. The use of multi temporal image data and related vegetation index could significantly improve the accuracy of rice information extraction. The overall accuracy of the best combination of rice was as high as 95.5%, and the kappa coefficient was 0.922, which could be used as an effective supplementary method for rice resources investigation.
    Design of intelligent ventilation detection system based on Raspberry Pi development board
    LU Xiao-yu, AN Peng-fang, ZHANG Yong
    2022, 61(16):  182-185.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.035
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    The control and data processing of the intelligent ventilation detection system of Raspberry Pi development board as the core was used, and was interconnected with the display, temperature and humidity sensor, flame sensor and ventilation module to complete the hardware and software design of the intelligent ventilation detection system and realize the intelligent temperature and humidity regulation in the greenhouse. Based on the cloud platform, the wireless remote control and real-time display of data on the PC and mobile phone were completed. The environment and experimental test of the simulated greenhouse were completed to meet the functions of the system design, and verify the safety and reliability of the system. The system had the characteristics of low economic cost, safety and reliability, simple control and easy popularization.
    Research on question generation technology in agricultural field based on NEZHA-UniLM model
    LI Fen, FEI Fan, PENG Lin
    2022, 61(16):  186-192.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.036
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    To address the lack of question and answer datasets in the agricultural domain and the fact that most end-to-end models are currently used for question generation tasks, after a series of data crawling, cleaning, filtering and annotation, a question generation dataset in agricultural domain was constructed; and the question generation in agricultural domain based on NEZHA-UniLM pre-training model was studied, for the cumulative error phenomenon caused by exposure error, adversarial training to generate perturbed samples to alleviate the problem was introduced. Compared with other benchmark models, the BLEU-4 and Rouge-L of the NEZHA-UniLM model reached 0.383 0 and 0.583 9. Compared with the pre-trained model without adversarial training, the BLEU-4 and Rouge-L were improved by 0.068 9 and 0.113 8, respectively. BLEU_4 and Rouge-L were improved by 0.195 3 and 0.151 7, respectively. The experimental results showed that the model not only effectively alleviated the problems of low matching between generated questions and answers, missing or multiple words in generated questions and exposure errors, but also effectively improved the quality of generated questions.
    Research on population spatialization in ethnic minority mountainous areas based on big data fusion:Taking Pengshui Miao and Tujia Autonomous County as an example
    JIAO Huan, XIAO He, LI Hui, GAO Li
    2022, 61(16):  193-198.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.037
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    In view of the problem that the demographic data can not accurately and intuitively reflect the real spatial distribution of population, based on the population statistics data of Pengshui County in 2018, GIS spatial analysis methods were used to analyze the correlation to the average population density with sea level, land use, main roads and river water system of each township in the study area. At the township scale, the accuracy of the grid element spatial evaluation results of 30 m×30 m was verified. The results showed that the population distribution in the study area was uneven, and the high value areas were mainly concentrated in the county; the rural settlements lived along the main roads and river systems, and the population distribution density was smaller with the increase of the sea level; from the perspective of the impact of land use types on the population distribution, the correlation of cultivated land and construction land with population distribution was the largest, and for the spatial population data of Pengshui County in 2018, the spatial error model had better regression fitting effect than the spatial lag model; the spatial results of population data had higher precision, which could accurately show the population distribution of Pengshui County in 2018. The population density map simulated by big data fusion method was basically consistent with the actual population distribution.
    Economy & Management
    Choice of community governance decision-making model from the perspective of comparative cost analysis
    FAN Lin-lin
    2022, 61(16):  199-202.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.038
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    Different decision cost composition determined different decision mode choice. In community governance activities, there were individual decision making, majority decision making and consensus decision making. From the perspective of cost analysis, it would be found that there were some misalignment problems in community decision making, such as individual arbitrary decision, majority “tyranny” and “pot-luck”. The dislocation of community decision-making resulted in the corresponding waste of community living costs. Therefore, clarifying and correcting the misalignment of community decision-making through cost analysis would help promote the innovation of community governance.
    Research on the mechanism of innovating and cultivating Chongqing agricultural industrial cluster
    YANG Xiao-ling, TANG Shuang-fu, LI Ping, WU Zhao-juan, ZHAN Bo, GAO Dong-mei, XIU Wei-ning, LIU Yang
    2022, 61(16):  203-209.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.039
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    Chongqing is rich in agricultural production resources and has a large rural population. Innovatively cultivating superior characteristic agricultural industrial cluster is a new era requirement for the high-quality development of modern agriculture in Chongqing, and it is also an important means to promote the construction of a two-city economic circle in the Chengdu-Chongqing region. Based on the yearbook data and field survey data, this paper compared the characteristics of domestic and foreign advantageous characteristic industrial clusters, used the location entropy method to measure the degree of agglomeration of agricultural industries in Chongqing, and analyzed the development status of Chongqing’s advantageous and characteristic industries. The study found that, at present, the whole city was still a self-sufficient area of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, but the agricultural industry had a strong momentum of development. Featured advantageous industries such as animal husbandry, tea, fruit, and freshwater fishery had great potential for industrial cluster cultivation. At the same time, innovation and cultivation of Chongqing’s advantageous characteristic industrial clusters was also facing many difficulties. The overall situation was scattered, the chain was short-lived and low-efficiency, weak and scattered, and the system of independent governance had severely restricted the development of Chongqing’s advantageous characteristic industrial clusters. Cultivating Chongqing’s advantageous and characteristic industrial clusters should make full use of location advantages, amplify characteristic resource endowments, explore new development models, break through traditional development forms, innovate industrial policy services, optimize industrial organization methods, exert regional linkage effects, and promote the realization of Chongqing agricultural modernization.
    Study on the effects and influencing factors of urban-rural integration and development in Hubei Province
    LIU Xiao-qing, TU Wei-liang
    2022, 61(16):  210-213.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.040
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    Based on the development goal of promoting urban-rural integration in Hubei Province, the current situation and basic effect of urban-rural integrated development in Hubei Province were analyzed, and a series of relevant factors affecting the development of urban-rural integration in Hubei Province were discussed. It was believed that the key factors affecting the economic integration and development of urban and rural areas in Hubei Province included ecological, industrial cooperation, resource allocation, infrastructure and other external factors, and “scissors difference”, government and other internal factors, and practical suggestions were put forward to promote the development of urban-rural integration in Hubei Province.
    Logic, appeal and mode of multi-agent participation in ecological products value realization
    CAI Sha, CHEN Xu-ao
    2022, 61(16):  214-218.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.041
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    According to the multiple characteristics of the subjects of the value realization of ecological products, this paper identified stakeholders such as the government, enterprises, farmers’ professional cooperatives, financial institutions, scientific research institutions, social organizations, and the general public as the participants in the realization of the value of ecological products. Based on the dilemma of ecological products value realization and the necessity of participation of multiple subjects, the behavioral logic and value demands of each subject participating in ecological product value realization were analyzed deeply, and ecological product value realization mode with multi-agent participation of “active participation-value co-creation-value sharing” was constructed, in order to provide new ideas, frameworks and action logic for promoting the realization of ecological product value.
    Research on the coupling and coordination of rural human settlement environment, economy and resources: Taking the six provinces of central China as an example
    CHAI Zhen-zhen, LIU Yan-ping
    2022, 61(16):  219-224.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.042
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    In order to explore the interaction between the effectiveness of rural human settlements environment improvement, the rural economy and natural resources in the six provinces of central China, an economy-resource-environment system was constructed, and the entropy method and the coupling coordination degree model were used to measure the comprehensive score and coupling coordination degree of each system. The results showed that the comprehensive score of rural economy in the six provinces of central China had increased year by year, the comprehensive score of natural resources had been stabilizing, the comprehensive score of rural human settlements environment had increased slightly, and the comprehensive score of Shanxi Province was significantly lower than that of the other five provinces. In general, the coupling degree and coupling coordination degree of the rural economy of various provinces were increasing year by year, but the coupling coordination degree was less than the coupling degree. It can be concluded that the rural human settlement environment in the six provinces of central China needs to complement the rural economy and natural resources to jointly promote the construction of beautiful villages.
    Research on the improvement path of e-commerce of edible agricultural products based on blockchain
    CHEN Jing, JIN Jie-qiong
    2022, 61(16):  225-229.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.043
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    The practical difficulties faced by e-commerce of edible agricultural products at this stage, such as difficulties in resource integration, doubts about safety and quality, inconvenient source tracing, insufficient brand effect and so on, were analyzed. Therefore, it was necessary to use blockchain to enable e-commerce of edible agricultural products. E-commerce of edible agricultural products based on blockchain could ensure the steady development of e-commerce of edible agricultural products and help rural revitalization with scientific and technological innovation. At the same time, the improvement path of e-commerce of edible agricultural products based on blockchain was put forward from the perspective of government, enterprises and e-commerce platforms.
    Evaluation and spatial difference of agricultural green development level in the Yellow River basin based on entropy weight-TOPSIS
    ZHANG Yu-ning
    2022, 61(16):  230-236.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.044
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    Based on the panel data of nine provinces in the Yellow River basin from 2010 to 2019, 18 evaluation indexes were selected from four aspects of resource conservation, environmental friendliness, quality efficiency and livelihood guarantee. The entropy weight-TOPSIS model was used to evaluate the level of agricultural green development in the Yellow River basin, and the spatial difference was measured by the Theil index. The results showed that, from 2010 to 2019, the comprehensive score of agricultural green development level in the Yellow River basin increased from 0.328 4 to 0.459 4; the contribution rate of inter-group difference to the overall difference increased from 54.32% to 57.59%; quality efficiency was the primary indicator affecting the level of agricultural green development. Although the overall level of agricultural green development in the Yellow River basin had steadily increased, there was still a large gap between regions, and the problem of unbalanced and insufficient agricultural green development was still prominent. Reducing the differences between the upstream, midstream and downstream and improving the quality of agricultural development were the key tasks to realize the green coordinated development of agriculture in the Yellow River basin.
    Research on the path to the law-based power supervision of the conservation and utilization of agricultural germplasm resources
    LI Rui, LI Meng
    2022, 61(16):  237-242.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.045
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    The method of literature analysis was adopted to summarize the dilemma of law-based power supervision of the conservation and utilization of agricultural germplasm resources in China. This paper proposed to take the concept of law-based power supervision of multiple subjects and focused on key areas such as financial elements and technological elements. The result shows that, at the macro level, the supervision model for the conservation and utilization of agricultural germplasm resources in China is the law-based power supervision model with the government as the dominant monolithic subject. However, the public attributes of the latter contradict the former. At the micro level, the financial funds for the conservation and utilization of agricultural germplasm resources are fragmented in regulations and not comprehensively included in the scope of financial budget supervision, which also leads to the failure of the audit supervision of financial funds. At the same time, the financial resources for the conservation and utilization of agricultural germplasm resources are not connected with the existing system of law-based power supervision of agricultural-related transfer funds. In another microscopic area, the level of law-based power supervision of transgenic technology of agricultural germplasm resources is low, and there are problems such as unreasonable legislative hierarchy and inappropriate distribution of authority, many loopholes in administrative supervision, and the lack of social supervision mechanism. It is concluded that in the macroscopic view, the establishment of a strict system of law-based power supervision requires the establishment of the concept of law-based power supervision of multiple subjects, and specifically the role of supervision of multiple subjects including people’s congresses, administrative organs and social subjects needs to be brought into play. In the micro perspective, combined with the concept of law-based power supervision of multiple subjects, it is urgent to fully integrate financial funds into budgetary supervision, improve audit supervision, and incorporate them into the supervision and management system of agriculture-related transfer funds. Meanwhile, there is a need to apply risk governance theory to improve the supervision of transgenic technology, which includes legislative supervision, administrative supervision and social supervision.
    Research on tourism culture brand construction of Shangluo under the background of all-for-one tourism
    LIU Long-long, GUO Wen-jie, YANG Ying-juan
    2022, 61(16):  243-246.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.046
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    Shangluo was located in the southern foothills of the Qinling Mountains. It was named Shangyang in ancient times. With its long historical and cultural resources, rich red resources and eco-tourism resources, all-for-one tourism had developed rapidly. The brand influence of “Qinling is the most beautiful in Shangluo” and “China’s Climate and Health City” was gradually increasing. Shangluo was known as the most beautiful place in Qinling Mountains. However, Shangluo’s tourism cultural brand construction still had problems such as insufficient support of tourism cultural products, in-depth exploration of tourism cultural resources, narrow channels of tourism cultural brand dissemination, and imperfect tourism service system under the background of all-for-one tourism. It should enhance Shangluo tourism cultural brand awareness, build characteristic tourism cultural brand, and promote the leapfrog development of the regional tourism industry by relying on Shangluo’s advantages in tourism cultural resources and making all-round efforts from the tourism cultural product support, characteristic cultural resources mining, brand publicity channels and tourism industry elements construction.
    Research on the improvement countermeasures of the operation mechanism of science and technology decision-making consultation system in China:Based on the experience of typical countries
    ZHAO Xing-yu
    2022, 61(16):  247-252.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.047
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    As the link between decision-makers, the public, power and science, science and technology decision-making consultation is an inevitable requirement of modern scientific progress and social development, and the role of it has become increasingly prominent in modern scientific decision-making. This paper systematically sorted out the highest science and technology decision-making consultation mechanism in major developed countries, and summarized its characteristics and functions; based on the experience of typical countries it analyzed the basic current situation and existing problems of science and technology innovation decision-making consultation in China; combined China’s actual situation and innovation development needs, measures and suggestions to improve the national science and technology innovation decision-making consultation system were put forward.
    Research on the science and technology promotion system of reverse science and technology commissioner
    LIU Wei, LI Fei-ji, XIE Li-juan
    2022, 61(16):  253-257.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.16.048
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    Reverse science and technology commissioner is an innovative design adopted by Shaanxi Science and Technology Department under the existing system of science and technology commissioner, aiming at the uneven distribution of science and technology resources in Shaanxi Province. The connotation, operation principle, information dissemination mechanism, and promotion mode of the reverse science and technology correspondent system were analyzed and studied. It was found that the reverse science and technology commissioner system had problems in personnel selection, incentive guarantee, working mechanism, public opinion and publicity,and corresponding countermeasures and suggestions on how to achieve sustainable development of the reverse scientific and technological commissioner system were put forward.