HUBEI AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES ›› 2021, Vol. 60 ›› Issue (21): 91-93.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.21.021

• Animal Science • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Effects of the upright/pendulous comb of Jianhan chicken A line on their production traits

SHEN Jie1, HUANG Tao1, PAN Ai-luan1, WU Yan1, PI Jin-song1, LIANG Zhen-hua1, SUN Jing1, ZHANG Hao1, PU Yue-jin1, XIE Zi-han2   

  1. 1. Institute of Animal Husbandry and Vetervinary, Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Hubei Innovation Center of Agricultural Science and Technology/Hubei Key Lab of Animal Embryo Technology and Molecular Breeding,Wuhan 430064,China;
    2. Key Laboratory of Agricultural Animal Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction,Ministry of Education,Huazhong Agricultural University,Wuhan 430070,China
  • Received:2021-07-18 Online:2021-11-10 Published:2021-11-24

Abstract: In order to explore the effect of comb upright/pendulous of Jianghan chicken A line on production performance, the observation data, including the comb upright/pendulous, comb thickness and comb height, age and weight at the first egg, and egg number at 40 weeks were recorded. It was found that the frequency of the left and right pendulous of the comb were adjacent, accounting for 1/4 individuals with the upright comb. The statistical results by one-way anova analysis showed that the comb height and comb thickness were to a certain extent, could explain the reason of comb pendulous. Age at the first egg, egg number at 40 weeks have no significant association with the traits of comb upright/pendulous traits. This study shows that in the cage-rearing mode of Jianghan chicken A line, the upright/pendulous of their comb has no effect on their production performance.

Key words: comb, upright/pendulous comb, production performance, Jianhan chicken A line

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