HUBEI AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES ›› 2021, Vol. 60 ›› Issue (4): 170-173.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.04.036

• Social Security • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Study on the difference of per capita disposable income of urban residents in north China

SHI Xue-qiao, ZHANG Ting   

  1. School of Economics & Management,North University of China,Taiyuan 030051, China
  • Received:2020-07-01 Online:2021-02-25 Published:2021-03-07

Abstract: Taking five provinces (cities, autonomous region) in north China as the research object, select the nation's 2013—2017 urban residents per capita disposable income source, using the entropy weight method to determine the influence key attribute index, per capita disposable income of urban residents in north China in 1998—2017 of wage income and per capita disposable income as the primary data, by using the theory of control chart painted this set of data to fluctuations and controllable. Results showed that in addition to the Hebei province, the other four provinces (cities, autonomous region) salary income of urban residents' per capita disposable income in the ratio of the first increased then decreased, and the residents' wage income ratio almost simultaneous increase and decrease of per capita disposable income, but on the whole north China the ratio of salary income of urban residents' per capita disposable income in the steady state controlled. in order to reduce the gap between rich and poor residents, residents can be encouraged to increase their property income to increase their disposable income so as to achieve common prosperity.

Key words: Per capita disposable income, entropy method, urban residents, control chart theory

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