湖北农业科学 ›› 2018, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (20): 31-34.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.20.008

• 育种·栽培 • 上一篇    下一篇


王尚明, 张崇华, 胡磊, 胡逢喜, 张清霞, 王芸, 曾凯, 杨林   

  1. 江西省农业气象试验站,南昌 330200
  • 收稿日期:2018-04-27 发布日期:2018-10-25
  • 作者简介:王尚明(1968-),男,江西吉安人,高级工程师,硕士,主要从事水稻气象研究工作,(电话)13803537550(电子信箱)wangshm971007@163.com。
  • 基金资助:

Effects of Different Harvesting Methods in Main Crop on Growth and Yield of Regenerated Rice

WANG Shang-ming, ZHANG Chong-hua, HU Lei, HU Peng-xi, ZHANG Qing-xia, WANG Yun, ZENG Kai, YANG Lin   

  1. Jiangxi Agrometeorological Experimental Station,Nanchang 330200,China
  • Received:2018-04-27 Published:2018-10-25

摘要: 为探索头季稻不同收割方式对再生稻生长和产量的影响,2017年以黄华占为试验材料,采用20、40、60 cm的留桩高度分别机械和人工收割头季稻。在再生稻的生长过程中,采用常规方法进行田间生产管理,观测再生稻的生长发育状况,成熟时取样考种和收割测产。结果表明,相同的留桩高度无论是人工收割还是机械收割,再生稻的生育期趋于一致;在留桩高度为20~40 cm,留桩高度低的再生稻比留桩高度高的再生稻生育期有偏迟的趋势;从不同头季稻的收割方式对再生稻产量的影响可以看出,40 cm留桩高度的再生稻有较好的产量表现,其中人工收割留桩高度40 cm的再生稻产量最高,为4 881.5 kg/hm2

关键词: 头季稻收割方式, 再生稻, 生长, 产量

Abstract: In order to explore the effects of different harvesting methods in main crop on growth and yield of regenerated rice,rice variety “Huanghuazhan” was used as experiment material,and main crop was harvested by machine and labor with stubble height 20 cm,40 cm,60 cm respectively in 2017. The results showed that whether machine-harvested or hand-harvested, the growth duration of regenerated rice with same stubble height was same. Ranging from 20 cm to 40 cm of stubble height, the growth period of regenerated rice with low stubble height was more later than that of regenerated rice with high stubble height. Regenerated rice with stubble height of 40 cm had better yield. The yield of regenerated rice with height of 40 cm by hand-harvested in main crop was the highest, up to 4 881.5 kg/hm2.

Key words: harvesting methods of main crop, regenerated rice, growth, yield
