HUBEI AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES ›› 2022, Vol. 61 ›› Issue (7): 35-40.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.07.007

• Breeding & Cultivation • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Effect of biological fertilizer on snail growth, water quality and soil fertility in paddy field culture

LI Wei-feng1, ZHENG Bing-yan1, WANG Zhi-qiang2, LUO Fu-guang2, JIANG Ming3, LI Yan-he1   

  1. 1. College of Fisheries, Huazhong Agricultural University/National Demonstration Center for Experimental Aquaculture Education, Wuhan 430070, China;
    2. Liuzhou Aquaculture Technology Extending Station, Liuzhou 545006, Guangxi, China;
    3. Yangtze River Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fisheries Sciences,Wuhan 430223, China
  • Received:2021-12-13 Online:2022-04-10 Published:2022-05-04

Abstract: In this study, the changes of paddy fields soil fertility and snails production after the application of biological fertilizer and fodder feeding in Ligao town, Liujiang, Liuzhou, Guangxi,were investigated and evaluated, potassium persulfate method was applied to measure total nitrogen and total phosphorus of water and soil, soil organic matter content was measured by calcination method. Snails yield estimation was carried out in Nov.2 and Nov.30, 2020, Apr.2, 2021,respectively. The results showed that the increase rate of snails in the paddy field of applying biological fertilizer(BF)was 31.73%~40.90%, greatly exceeding the yield which only applied fodder. On the whole, the results of applying biological fertilizer and fodder simultaneously(BDF)were best, achieving the level of 50.62%~57.86%. Principal component analysis was applied to calculate the comprehensive score of soil fertility, it was found that the addition of biological fertilizer significantly promoted soil total phosphorus(P<0.05), however, other soil fertility indexes and comprehensive fertility scores were not significantly affected by that measure(P>0.05).

Key words: snails culture, biological fertilizer, soil fertility, yield estimation

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