HUBEI AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES ›› 2021, Vol. 60 ›› Issue (22): 47-50.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.22.010

• Resource & Environment • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Spatial variability and evaluation of soil properties and macroelements in lotus field of Guangchang county,Jiangxi province

ZHAO Yue1, YANG Liang-bo2, PEI Jia-chen1,3, LIU Dong-bi1, WU Mao-qian1, TANG Ji-ping2, ZHENG Xing-wen2, XU Jin-xing2, JIE Zhi-hui2, LAI Ke-qiang2   

  1. 1. Institute of Plant Protection and Soil Fertilizer, Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Hubei Engineering Research Center of Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution Control/Qianjiang Observation and Experimental Station of National Agricultural Environment/Key Laboratory of Fertilization from Agricultural Wastes,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Wuhan 430064,China;
    2. Guangchang Institute for Seed Lotus Sciences,Guangchang 344900,Jiangxi,China;
    3. Engineering Research Center of Ecology and Agricultural Use of Wetland, Ministry of Education,Yangtze University,Jingzhou 434025,Hubei,China
  • Received:2020-09-29 Online:2021-11-25 Published:2021-12-10

Abstract: Field sampling analysis and geostatistical methods were used to study the soil attributes and the content of macroelements and their spatial variability in seed lotus fields in Guangchang county, Jiangxi province. The results showed that the average pH of lotus field soil in Guangchang county was 4.92, which was acidic soil, and the variation was small in the planting area of seed lotus. The average content of soil organic matter was 38.20 g/kg; The average contents of total nitrogen, total phosphorus and total potassium were 2.16, 0.65, 24.70 g/kg, respectively; The average contents of alkali hydrolyzable nitrogen, available phosphorus, available potassium and slowly available potassium were 132.00, 41.20, 109.00, 1 000.00 mg/kg, respectively. According to the temporary classification standard, the contents of soil organic matter and available phosphorus were higher, and the contents of alkali hydrolyzable nitrogen and available potassium were lower. There were significant differences in the spatial distribution of soil organic matter and different forms of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The change trends of organic matter, total nitrogen and alkali hydrolyzable nitrogen content were similar, that is, Yiqian town in the south and Changqiao town in the east were higher, and Ganzhu town in the north was lower; The content of total phosphorus and available phosphorus in Changqiao town and western Toupo town was higher, and that in Yiqian town and Ganzhu town was lower; The content of available potassium was in Xujiang town and Chishui town in the middle; The content of slowly available potassium in Changqiao township was higher than that in Yiqian town and Ganzhu town.

Key words: seed lotus field, soil fertility, spatial characteristics, Guangchang county

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